Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Motor Control - Botox

You can not walk if you don't have motor control.

It's hard to explain.

Moment in time: I was not yet walking on my own yet. The fall of 2001.

I used my boyfriend instead of a cane... 'cause I could! I loved my shining knight in silver armour. Definitely silver.

I remember walking down East 6th Street approaching the Sidewalk Cafe when my boyfriend whispered to me, "Maux. Lift your head." I didn't know my head could go so low. I looked liked like I was hiding my head in shame. And I'm not yet a monk!

It's not good for your neck and shoulders.

I have neck pain today. I took it too fast on the sidewalk and I caught myself with my head bowed.

I walk like an old lady now. Sometimes. I'll hit you with my cane! (Just kidding. It's all decorated and I rarely use it. OK. I hate it.) I had "botulism toxin A" shot into my back yesterday. I think I am having a healing crisis. This is when I need a massage. Today. Now. Move the poison around my spine. Anyone?

1 comment:

anonaMaux said...

I don't understand. As a free-thinking woman, people assume I have some interest in porn.

*grotie to the max*